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Allegan County Bail Bonds Resources

Atwater Bail Bonds was founded and is headquartered in the heart of Allegan, in the downtown historic district on the riverfront.  We are truly based in Allegan - not just advertising that we have an agent here, when really the closest agent is hours away.  We are truly Allegan bail bondsmen!  When dealing with the Allegan County justice system, it is helpful to use a bail bonds company rooted in Allegan.  We can be there to bail you out of jail within minutes, as opposed to the hours it takes most of our out of town competitors.  Our bail agents have the experience and knowledge to deliver the highest level of service.  


Here are some Allegan County bale bonds resources:


48th Circuit Court (C48)


Allegan County Building

113 Chestnut St.

Allegan, MI 49010

(269) 673-0300

Honorable Margaret Bakker, Chief Judge

Honorable Kevin W. Cronin, Circuit Judge

Mr. Michael J. Day, Court Administrator

Visit Website

Accepts online payment

Provides some sort of online docket

57th District Court (D57)


Allegan County Building

113 Chestnut St.

Allegan, MI 49010

(269) 673-0400

Honorable William A. Baillargeon, Chief Judge

Ms. Linda Lenahan, Court Administrator

Honorable Joseph S. Skocelas, District Judge

Visit Website

Allegan County Probate Court (P03)


Allegan County Building

113 Chestnut St.

Allegan, MI 49010

(269) 673-0250

Honorable Michael L. Buck, Chief Judge

Mr. Avery Rose, Court Administrator

Mr. Avery Rose, Probate Register

Visit Website

Atwater Bail Bonds will always be there to assist you with any size bond at the Allegan County Jail.  We also travel state-wide to bond out people from jail.

Atwater Bail Bonds
223 Hubbard St. Suite D
Allegan, MI 49010
269.355.6865 or 888.982.3926
Satellite locations:
Atwater Bail Bonds - Kalamazoo
417 Forrest St. Ste. 445
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Atwater Bail Bonds - Grandville
4370 Chicago Dr. SW Suite 521
Grandville, MI 49418
Atwater Bail Bonds - Kentwood, MI
4445 Breton Rd. SE Suite C
Kentwood, MI 49508
Atwater Bail Bonds - Ottawa County
430 E 8th St Suite 1023
Holland, MI 49423
Atwater Bail Bonds - Plymouth
1098 Ann Arbor Rd W, Suite 552
Plymouth, MI 48170
Atwater Bail Bonds - St. Joseph County
971 S Centerville Rd #2013
Sturgis, MI 49091
Atwater Bail Bonds - Grand Rapids
1971 E. Beltline NE Suite 739
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Atwater Bail Bonds - Lenawee + Hillsdale
1416 S Main St Suite 1006
Adrian, MI 49221
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